28.02.2024 CLIQ Digital AG  DE000A35JS40

Original-Research: CLIQ Digital AG (von NuWays AG): Buy


Original-Research: CLIQ Digital AG - from NuWays AG

Classification of NuWays AG to CLIQ Digital AG

Company Name: CLIQ Digital AG
ISIN: DE000A35JS40

Reason for the research: Update
Recommendation: Buy
from: 28.02.2024
Target price: 65.00
Target price on sight of: 12 Monaten
Last rating change:
Analyst: Marie-Thérèse Grübner

Solid FY figures & sizable share buyback; est. & PT chg.

Topic: CLIQ reported final FY23 figures on Thursday (update on prelims from Feb. 5th) and announced a € 13m share repurchase program. Here are our key takeaways:

Strong bundled content share boosts higher-LTV customer base. At 94% of FY23 total revenues (88% in FY22), bundled content across 25+ portals continued to grow its share of total revenues at the expense of single content (300+ portals), strengthening customer retention due to offering several streaming verticals “all-in-one.' This strategy has proven very rewarding over the past quarters and has increased LTV per customer by 17% yoy to now € 85. The company is on track to improve its content catalogue across all verticals, and particularly CLIQ’s position in cloud gaming looks promising since it capitalizes on the rapidly advancing market, expected to grow by 46% CAGR until 2030 (Statista).

2024e guidance & growth outlook. Management released a weaker-than-expected 2024 guidance of € 360-380m in revenues and € 52-58m EBITDA. Sales are now seen to come in at c. € 375m or +15% yoy (eNuW old: € 402m), while EBITDA should amount to c. € 55m or +10% yoy (eNuW old: 63m), mainly driven by (1) ongoing headwinds in traffic acquisition and conversion in a still challenging macroeconomic environment and (2) increased costs for both customer acquisition (eNuW: € 157m) as well as elevated licensing fees for higher-quality content (eNuW: € 64m). Having said that, several growth drivers should help the company reach its c. € 500m mid-term sales target along with strong EBITDA and cash flow generation, including further geographic expansion into Latin America and Asia (currently still You can download the research here:
For additional information visit our website www.nuways-ag.com/research.

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Die Analyse oder weiterführende Informationen zu dieser können Sie hier downloaden www.nuways-ag.com/research.
Kontakt für Rückfragen
NuWays AG - Equity Research
Web: www.nuways-ag.com
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nuwaysag Adresse: Mittelweg 16-17, 20148 Hamburg, Germany ++++++++++
Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte. Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG beim oben analysierten Unternehmen befinden sich in der vollständigen Analyse. ++++++++++

-------------------transmitted by EQS Group AG.-------------------

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this research. The result of this research does not constitute investment advice or an invitation to conclude certain stock exchange transactions.

Die wichtigsten Finanzdaten auf einen Blick
  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Umsatzerlöse1 70,53 58,21 63,14 106,95 149,98 212,00 326,36
EBITDA1,2 26,15 3,86 5,75 15,95 27,19 34,00 50,33
EBITDA-Marge3 37,08 6,63 9,11 14,91 18,13 16,04
EBIT1,4 5,17 2,98 4,77 15,21 26,28 31,40 45,86
EBIT-Marge5 7,33 5,12 7,56 14,22 17,52 14,81 14,05
Jahresüberschuss1 3,37 2,99 3,89 10,43 18,23 18,90 31,84
Netto-Marge6 4,78 5,14 6,16 9,75 12,16 8,92 9,76
Cashflow1,7 25,23 3,85 3,84 17,64 20,77 22,00 30,39
Ergebnis je Aktie8 0,52 0,34 0,35 1,16 2,71 4,45 4,82
Dividende8 0,00 0,00 0,28 0,46 1,10 1,79 0,00
Quelle: boersengefluester.de und Firmenangaben

1 in Mio. Euro; 2 EBITDA = Ergebnis vor Zinsen, Steuern und Abschreibungen; 3 EBITDA in Relation zum Umsatz; 4 EBIT = Ergebnis vor Zinsen und Steuern; 5 EBIT in Relation zum Umsatz; 6 Jahresüberschuss (-fehlbetrag) in Relation zum Umsatz; 7 Cashflow aus der gewöhnlichen Geschäftstätigkeit; 8 in Euro; Quelle: boersengefluester.de

Wirtschaftsprüfer: Forvis Mazars

CLIQ Digital
WKN Kurs in € Einschätzung Börsenwert in Mio. €
A35JS4 5,700 37,10
KGV 2025e KGV 10Y-Ø BGFL-Ratio Shiller-KGV
9,50 9,29 1,02 4,00
0,36 1,22 0,11 0,42
Dividende '22 in € Dividende '23 in € Div.-Rendite '23
in %
1,79 0,04 0,00 11.04.2025
Q1-Zahlen Q2-Zahlen Q3-Zahlen Bilanz-PK
08.05.2025 07.08.2025 07.11.2024 20.02.2025
Abstand 60Tage-Linie Abstand 200Tage-Linie Performance YtD Performance 52 Wochen
17,26% -19,33% 22,84% -73,85%
Weitere Ad-hoc und Unternehmensrelevante Mitteilungen zu CLIQ Digital AG  ISIN: DE000A35JS40 können Sie bei EQS abrufen

E-Commerce , A35JS4 , CLIQ , XETR:CLIQ